The fig tree was never the same again. It had always been laden with the largest and sweetest figs on the north side of town. Even white folks would come to Miss Williams’ house to buy figs.
‘Course they didn’t need to come much ‘cause Armenia Rebecca always took small straw baskets full over by the white folks hospital to sell. She often made three or four trips back home to pick more ‘cause they sold so fast. She became so well known for her courteous sales behavior that more familiar customers called her Menia.
Neighbors would say she sold so many ‘cause she was “fected;” they say, “she had the ‘gift’.”
“Why, everybody knew it was on account of Armenia Rebecca that the police never went to the Williams’ house.” Her spiritual powers made white folks and Negroes buy her baskets of figs. These powers once caused a policeman to fall through the staircase and get stuck in Menia's house so that the emergency squad had to be called to pull him out.